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Why choose editorial seleer?

  1. Because you have to give one euro in advance.

  2. Because we offer all our services publishing books and send you to your home for presentation.

  3. Because we leave your book in bookstores deposit any city in Spain.

  4. Because your work will be in the best possible window, the English court,, Book House, Fnac, Amazon Kindle e-readers into readers.

  5. Because once our reading committee has approved your manuscript will publish your work without having to finance or co-edit it.

  6. Because whether you are a Latin American author as author resident in Spain your work will be exhibited in libraries not only your country but in our online store where any reader can buy from Central and South America his work in ebook and print without having to pay the high costs of shipping costs across the pond as we have infrastructure on both sides of the Atlantic and deliver his work physically whether the Latin American reader would like a copy of a Spanish author as if a Spanish reader like the work of a Latin American author .

Are you thinking to publish with us? We all tools the author and his work to have a chance in the market.


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